CDNT 6 Ballyfermot, Palmerstown office contact details

Children’s Disability Network Manager (CDNM), Liz Meaney

Phone 01 6518130

Stewarts Care, Mill Lane, Palmerstown, Dublin 20

Eircode D20 H329

Useful references – CDNT 6 

Childrens Disability Network Teams
A Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT) is a team of healthcare professionals. The team may be made up of Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers as well as other professionals like Behaviour Support or Early Years specialists. The team work with children from the local area who have been identified as having complex needs. This is in keeping with HSE policy.

A family-centred service

The team work with children and their families to identify the priority areas they would like support with. This is to make sure that families are receiving supports around the things that matter most to them and their child. The team might also discuss goals that they think are important to work on to help the child’s development and participation at home, in school, and in the community. These goals are agreed and added to an Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP) which then becomes the plan of service for that child and family. The IFSP is used to guide work and is updated and changed over time. The CDNT works closely with the child’s support network which may include, parents, caregivers, school and community supports. This is in recognition of the fact that family are a child’s first and most important teacher, and the greatest influence in their lives. We also work directly with children to identify what their strengths and needs are and to provide clinical supports. The CDNT work where children and families are.  This means, we provide services in homes, schools, and in the community, as well as in the CDNT clinic. Our interventions are related to the child’s needs and may include workshops, groups, or one-to-one formats.  We may also support the family to activate other supports in their lives, such as in their wider family network or community.  

Family representation in CDN Governance:

A family forum for the local CDNT is a valued part of HSE Community Disability Network (CDN) Governance policy, and this can be contacted via the CDNT office. The forum provides an opportunity for families to discuss general issues and ideas about the children’s disability services in the local community disability network. Two elected family representatives from each network attend the family representative group for the HSE community healthcare organisation (i.e., CHO7). A representative from the family representative group is supported to attend the CHO Community Disability Networks Governance Group. This structure is being set up in CHO 7, commencing in 2022.