Who Is  A Volunteer ?

Who Is A Volunteer ?

Volunteers are people in the community who share their time, energy and enthusiasm with or on behalf of the children and adults who attend Stewarts Care. No particular qualifications are required - just a willingness to make a reliable commitment. The role of volunteers will be that of a supportive, complementary nature alongside our staff.

For more information on Corporate Volunteering click here.

Individual Volunteering Opportunities


We need volunteers to help organise and support fundraising activities and events. Supporters have helped raise money for Stewarts through cake sales, golf outings, marathons and workplace collections. There are many, many ways you can help raise money for our valuable services to the community.

One to One Support for Clients

Service users living in the community need the assistance of volunteers to help them in the transition from living in a residential campus setting to living out in the community. This involves befriending the service user and supporting them in everyday activities such as shopping, sport and social activities.

Providing Transport

Many of our service users living in the community have difficulty accessing our services due to a lack of transport. We need volunteers who can provide a lift to and from our services for these people.


Some of our residential service users have few visitors and can be lonely at times. Volunteers can help provide companionship for these residents. It can be as simple as sitting down and having a chat with them, playing cards or bringing them for a walk around our campus.


Many of our service users like to participate in art, computers, creative writing and crafts. We need volunteers to help with these activities so that more of our residents can participate fully. You don’t have to be an expert to help – let us know what you can do.


These are just a selection of ways in which volunteers can help Stewarts Care's service users. If you think you can help please let us know. Volunteers make a huge contribution to our Service and brighten up the lives of our service users in so many ways.

Stewarts Stories

Service Users speak about their experiences in Stewart's Care

Got a Question about Volunteering? Contact Us.


You can help us raise money at one of our many Fundraising events throughout the year. For more information on any of our events please contact our Fundraising team at fundrasing@stewartscare.ie



Without the generosity of our supporters we simply would not be able to provide our service users with the quality of life that they deserve. We would like to thank all for their continued support through the years.